Hirestudents.org #1 advocate for Student employment and career development!
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Get Free Job Guidance, Career Counseling, & Support: Compete for the best jobs in your industry!
Let's start Networking! Priority hot job alerts, career fairs, key note speaking interviews, resume tips, application assistance, financial literacy, certifications, and more.
Join our career services membership with 10,000 CLUB with Donation to access resumes, professional development, job support, training and certification programs, and more! Email info@hirestudents,org
501 (C) 3 Official Non Profit Status
www.edjoin.org (Certificated and Classified Education Jobs)
Mayor Steinberg's Thousand Strong Initiative
Align your resume and cover letter and enjoy job searching online!
Financial Aid
Federal Work Study Info Here
Scholarship Opportunities
http://www.freeresumebuilder.org/ https://www.jobscan.co/resume-formats
Jobmatching - Be sure to match your resume to job families and descriptions that fit your interest!
Prepare for success!
Are you preparing for a career in Culinary Arts? Apply for Restaurant and Food industry Careers Check out these websites for job opportunities and job descriptions to find your ideal position. Apply for Restaurant and Food industry Careers
Check out --> Chef Jobs - Hiring for Bakers, Chefs, and Cooks | iHireChefs
Are you on an educational career pathway? There are many entry level positions for students while they complete their requirements. Apply at
Are you preparing for a career in healthcare. There are many opportunities to get hands on experience in the healthcare industry. Check out https://explorehealthcareers.org/
Check out your local city and state job announcements and become familiar with the selections process.
Learn how to get any State job
take an exam and apply!
For many students who qualify, federal work study is an incredible opportunity to work on or near campus and have a flexible work schedule. If you qualify for financial aid, have a 2.0 GPA or above, and are enrolled in part -full time ask about federal work study.
Hirestudents.org recommends a wide variety of online recruiters. Check out:
Support first year college students in their transition and independent living. This scholarship seeks to reward hard working students with jobs on their way to college. Check out Fastweb for additional information.
Always Update Your:
Resume = Curriculum Vitae - Online Profiles
References = Letters of Recommendation
Great Applications = Interview
Cover Letters - Statement of Qualifications
Social Media Profiles are Important to Keep Clean and professionial
Get a certificate relevant to your industry, position, and career. Hirestudents.org recommends:
Food industry - Culinary Permits -Servsafe https://www.servsafe.com/home
CPR/FirstAid training-
Career Technical Education (CTE) is growing- Ask your educator about certificates in your class.
Volunteer Jobs - hirestudents.org recommends →
Volunteer in the community it looks great on a resume and college application! Good deeds go a long way! Volunteering is a great substitute for work experience.
Align your volunteer work toward your ideal job!
Utilize your resources on campus!
Choose the right industry, Choose the right Profession, Climb the career ladder!
List of Industries Hirestudents.org recommends → see for yourself.
http://hbswk.hbs.edu/industries/ -
#Harvard Business School
City of Sacramento residents
Thousand Strong Initiative City of Sacramento
Learn about and take an Ethical Lens Test - Understand how you operate and make decisions- learn about #EthicalLens to understand your #Friends and #Colleagues-->
Professional Etiquette --> hirestudents.org recommends --> https://www.careereducation.columbia.edu/resources/tipsheets/skills-business-etiquette
What job/career best fits your personality?
If you are interested in working with public school education as a Science, Techology, English/Engineering, Art, and Math send your resume to info@hirestudents.org.
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about this rewarding industry.
Complete the 2020 Census! Your voice matters.
Check out what's happening in your community. Stand for something!
Free resources for student job search apps, resume writing, application completion, placement assistance, mock interviews, career planning, certifications, financial literacy, and more. Subscribe with an email to capitalize on our user friendly services. Get ready for employment!
Enjoy a user friendly experience on your way to a job that matches your lifestyle and interests. Work with our job tutors to seek placement, develop professionally, align professional references, earn certifications, improve your professional profile, and compete for your ideal student job. Email info@hirestudents,org
Empowers students to reach their full employment potential while building valuable career skills of work experience, networking, professional etiquette, and positive self value. Hirestudents.org empowers employers to provide opportunities for student talent in a variety of roles that fit their business needs, advertising, and workforce solutions. Hire a student and build a successful partnership.
Mission - To advocate and support quality student employment while developing emerging professionals with career competence and financial literacy for life.
Vision - To become a student governed organization which develops forward thinking emergent professionals with career competence and sustainable employment beginning with student employment throughout retirement.
Email: info@hirestudents,org